Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Komunitas Blogger Indonesia | Faceblog Kontes SEO 2011 | Faceblog Blogger Community

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Selamat Datang di Komunitas Blogger Indonesia ...!!!!

komunitas blogger indonesiaFaceblog adalah salah satu komunitas blogger indonesia yang saat ini lagi ngetrend di tahun 2011. Hampir sama dengan Facebook, Faceblog juga memberikan beberapa fitur yang sama seperti facebook buat para blogger indonesia yang bergabung di dalam komunitas blogger faceblog. Mungkin lebih tepatnya, faceblog bisa kita sebut sebagai Facebooknya Blogger Indonesia.

Apa saja yang bisa kamu dapatkan jika kamu bergabung di Komunitas Blogger Indonesia (Faceblog)?

Banyak sekali sebenarnya, salah satu dari keuntungan jika kamu bergabung di Faceblog Community adalah
  • Faceblog membantu anda terhubung dengan rekan blogger se Indonesia
  • Berinteraksi dan jalin komunikasi sesama Blogger Indonesia
  • Saling berkirim pesan atau pesan pribadi ke sesama Blogger Indonesia
  • Berbagi File, gambar, video, URL dan lain sebagainya.
Gak hanya bisa di akses via komputer, lewat Handphone, Iphone, BB dll juga bisa. Komunikasi jadi lebih mudah dengan Faceblog Mobile.

Selain fitur diatas, Komunitas Blogger Indonesia ini juga menawarkan berbagai fitur menarik lagi, seperti : bisa membuat grup sendiri, bisa bermain game, ndengeri lagu dan pokoknya banyak sekali yang bisa kamu dapatkan dengan Join di faceblog (Facebooknya Blogger Indonesia)
    So, jika kamu ingin bergabung dengan Komunitasnya para blogger indonesia, gabung saja di Faceblog Community. Banyak sekali manfaat yang akan kamu dapatkan. Kamu bisa belajar tentang tips-tips blogger, belajar tentang SEO dan lain sebagainya. Karena di sana adalah tempat berkumpulnya para master blogger se indonesia.

    Oh ya, ada yang lupa. Faceblog ternyata juga mengadakan Kontes SEO 2011 lhoo..!!! Keyword nya adalah "Komunitas Blogger Indonesia". Jadi tunggu apa lagi..?? Kalau memang kamu adalah Blogger Indonesia Sejati, SEGERA GABUNG di Faceblog Community dan ikuti Faceblog Kontes SEO 2011. Raih hadiah berupa  :

    1. Juara Ke-1 mendapatkan 1 buah netbook Acer Aspire One + Gratis 1 Tahun domain dan hosting unlimited server indonesia (IIX).
    2. Juara 2 dan 3 mendapatkan bingkisan menarik + Gratis 1 Tahun domain dan hosting unlimited  server indonesia (IIX).
    3. Juara 4 sampai 10 mendapatkan gratis 1 Tahun hosting unlimited  server indonesia (IIX).
    Berikut beberapa Syarat dan Ketentuan Lomba Faceblog Kontes SEO 2011

    A. Ketentuan Waktu Penyelenggaraan Kontes "Komunitas Blogger Indonesia"
    1. Tanggal dimulainya kontes adalah 10 April 2011 (Jam 12:00 wib).
    2. Tanggal berakhirnya kontes adalah 10 September 2011 (Jam 12:00 wib).
    3. Pengumuman pemenang dilakukan bulan Oktober 2011.
    B. Ketentuan Pendaftaran Kontes "Komunitas Blogger Indonesia"
    1. Peserta kontes wajib melakukan pendaftaran dengan mengisi form pendaftaran yang telah disediakan dengan data lengkap dan benar sesuai dengan yang diminta.
    2. Peserta kontes adalah merupakan anggota dari komunitas Faceblog, apabila peserta belum mendaftar di komunitas Faceblog silahkan terlebih dahulu untuk mendaftar DISINI.
    3. Peserta wajib memasang banner/logo kontes di halaman website/blognya sebagai tanda bahwa status kepesertaanya terverified.
    4. Apabila peserta memiliki lebih dari 1 website/blog, peserta diperbolehkan untuk mendaftarkannya pada kontes ini dengan mencantumkan link dimana tulisan kontes dipostingkan.
    C. Ketentuan Materi Kontes "Komunitas Blogger Indonesia"
    1. Target Keyword “Komunitas Blogger Indonesia
    2. Isi tulisan boleh berupa review, pengalaman, ajakan, dan lainnya.
    3. Tulisan minimal memuat 500 kata dengan menyisipkan minimal 1 target keyword  diatas dengan link aktif yang mengarah pada .
    4. Tulisan dalam bahasa indonesia
    5. Isi tulisan tidak boleh berupa hasil copy paste dari pihak atau peserta lainnya.
    6. Penilaian isi tulisan memiliki poin.
    D. Ketentuan Pemenang Kontes "Komunitas Blogger Indonesia"
    1. Pemenang kontes SEO "Komunitas Blogger Indonesia" ditentukan oleh jumlah poin terbanyak yang didapat berdasarkan pada penilaian posisi google (yang digunakan adalah ditambah dengan poin tulisan/artikel yang dibuat. Berikut adalah rincian penilaian poin yang berlaku pada kontes:
    • Poin Google Rank (yang digunakan adalah : Posisi 1 = 100 Poin, Posisi 2 = 90 Poin, Posisi 3 = 80 Poin, Posisi 4 = 70 Poin, Posisi 5 = 60 Poin, Posisi 6 = 50 Poin, Posisi 7 = 40 Poin, Posisi 8 = 30 Poin, Posisi 9 = 20 Poin, Posisi 10 = 10 Poin.
    • Poin Isi Tulisan/Artikel: 10 – 100 Poin
    • Contoh perhitungan pemenang:
    Posisi Gooogle  + Poin Artikel = Jumlah Poin
    Posisi 1 (100 Poin) + 80 Poin = 180 Poin
    1. Juri penilaian adalah team juri Faceblog
    2. Keputusan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

    komunitas blogger indonesia, faceblog kontes seo 2011, faceblog community, komunitas faceblog indonesia, facebooknya blogger indonesia

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    Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

    Yes Car Insurance | yes insurance UK | company information

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    yes car insurance, yes insurance, yes insurance company, yes insurance UK

    Yes Car Insurance - More people talk about yes car insurance. What the different with other car insurance? As I know, Yes Car Insurance is specialises in insurance for older cars, second hand cars and for low mileage and female drivers. Yes car insurance also offering low price premiums for motorists in such situations and for people seeking non-comprehensive cover.

    Yes Car Insurance helps motorists find the most suitable policy by searching a panel of more than 20 leading UK car insurance providers. Several different levels of car insurance are available, ranging from comprehensive to third party fire and theft and third party-only cover. Drivers that opt for the most comprehensive cover from Yes Car Insurance receive a courtesy car while their vehicle is at an approved repairer, a three-year guarantee on repairs carried out by an approved repairer, and cover for medical expenses up to £200.

    Customers can also add a range of optional extras to policy including:

    * Breakdown Cover
    * Foreign Travel cover
    * Motor Legal Protection
    * Personal Accident cover up to £5,000 for the regular driver and his/her spouse

    Yes Insurance also offers home and van insurance, both of which are provided by a panel of leading insurance companies. So it's very recomended car insurance.

    yes car insurance, yes insurance, yes insurance company, yes insurance UK

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    Geico Motorcycle Insurance Quote | Insurance Company Information

    - 3 komentar

    motorcycle insurance quote, geico insurance company information, Best motorcycle Insurance Companies, free quote motorcycle insurance

    Before You Get Your Motor Running, Get a Motorcycle Insurance Quote

    Rev up your savings with motorcycle insurance from GEICO. No matter what you own – a sport bike, cruiser, standard, touring bike, or a sweet custom ride, you can turn to us for great rates and the best coverage. We even offer scooter insurance. Enjoy the freedom of the open road knowing that the Gecko®'s got your back!
    Get free motorcycle insurance quotes anytime.

    Why Choose GEICO for Motorcycle Insurance?

    Thought that GEICO was all about car insurance, did you? Think again! We take motorcycles as seriously as you do, and we're pleased to provide you with top-quality coverage for your bike. With GEICO, you get:
    • Affordable premiums and flexible payment plans.
    • Secure online payment and account management.
    • 24-hour access to our licensed insurance professionals at 1-800-442-9253.
    Get a motorcycle insurance quote and see what GEICO can do for you.
    Need more convincing? See what our current customers have to say about our motorcycle insurance.

    Supersize Your Savings with Discounts

    Shave even more off of your premium. GEICO offers a variety of motorcycle insurance discounts to maximize your savings. Save with our many discounts if you:
    • Transfer your motorcycle insurance to GEICO® Motorcycle, underwritten by GEICO Indemnity Company.
    • Insure more than one motorcycle.
    • Renew your motorcycle policy.
    • Insure your car with GEICO.
    • Are a mature rider.
    Get a quote to find out how much you can save on your motorcycle insurance.

    Choose Your Way to Pay

    With GEICO, you can choose from many different ways to pay your motorcycle insurance premium. Pay all at once, pay monthly, or break up your payments into 4, 6, or even 9 installments. Whatever works best for your budget works best for us. Find out more about all of the payment methods available to you.

    motorcycle insurance quote, geico insurance company information, Best motorcycle Insurance Companies, free quote motorcycle insurance

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    Senin, 09 Mei 2011

    Teknik SEO Ampuh | tukeran artikel sesama blogger

    - 6 komentar

    Teknik SEO Ampuh, Jurus SEO, teknik SEO

    saya ingin mengajak sobat blogger mania tuk tukeran artikel dengan blog saya.. cara ini adalah salah satu Teknik SEO paling ampuh agar blog kita bisa cepat terindex oleh mbah google dan agar blog kita bisa berada di page nomer 1. Apa keuntungan sobat blogger jika artikel sobat blogger di taruh di blog saya ini.

    Mendapatkan backlink dari blog saya yang PR2,, dan yang pasti dofollow, bukan nofollow.

    bagaimanakah caranya? caranya mudah sekali. Cukup kalian Copy Paste artikel yang ada di bawah ini

    The General Auto Insurance

    Setelah itu, kalian konfirmasi dengan cara berkomentar dibawah. tentang alamat artikel yang sudah kalian copas dan artikel mana yang ingin kalian masukkan ke dalam blog saya. Usahakan di sana sudah ada niche yang kalian inginkan. Yang minat silahkan mulai berkomentar di bawah. Atau bisa langsung menuju blog saya yang ini.

    The General Auto Insurance

    Teknik SEO Ampuh, Jurus SEO, teknik SEO

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    Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

    The General Auto Insurance

    - 1 komentar
    The General Automobile Insurance Services has been in business for more than 40 years. The company provides car insurance to drivers and may be able to insure drivers with less-than-perfect driving records.

    About The General Auto Insurance Company 

    The General Auto Insurance Company is a subsidiary of PGC Holdings Corp. The company's car insurance is provided through Permanent General Assurance Corporation and Permanent General Assurance Corporation of Ohio. Both of these companies have been rated as "Excellent" by A.M. Best, a credit-rating agency serving the financial and health care industries.

    Coverage for High Risk Drivers

    If you are considered a high risk driver you may be able to get coverage from this company. High risk coverage is also known as "nonstandard auto insurance." You may be considered a higher insurance risk in these situations:
    • You have a history of moving violations or you have been involved in an accident for which you were deemed the at-fault driver.
    • You have only been a licensed driver for a short time.
    • Your insurance coverage lapsed at some point.
    • You drive a high-performance vehicle or one that is expensive to repair.
    In these circumstances, you may not be able to buy insurance from an standard insurance company. Some insurers, like the General Auto Insurance, do provide insurance products to this market.

    SR-22 Filings

    A high-risk driver may be required to provide proof of insurance to the state where they operate the vehicle. An SR-22 may be needed if you were involved in an accident and were uninsured at the time or you were the at-fault driver in an accident. This company can help drivers who need to produce an SR-22 in most parts of the United States.
    Depending on the offense and the jurisdiction where you live, you may need to have SR-22 coverage in place for several years. The average amount of time the SR-22 is required is three years. When you ask for an online quote from the General Auto Insurance Company, simply indicate that you need to make an SR-22 filing. The necessary form will be provided when you buy your policy, and you can take it to the Department of Motor Vehicles to get your driving privileges reinstated.

    How to Get a Quote for Your Insurance Coverage

    You can get a quote for your insurance coverage by visiting the General Auto Insurance web site. In just a few minutes, you will know how much this company will charge for your coverage. You are not required to submit any personal information to get an online quote.
    If you decide that you would like to go ahead and purchase a policy from this company, you will be asked to provide the following information:
    • Drivers License Numbers for all drivers listed on the policy
    • VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) of the vehicle
    • Name of finance or lease company (if you are still making payments on the vehicle)
    The General Auto Insurance will take steps to verify your driving record before you buy a policy to avoid price changes after you have made your initial payment. Once you buy your policy and make the first payment your coverage will start immediately. You may also choose to buy your policy now and start your coverage within 30 days.

    Payment Options

    To better serve their customers' needs, the General Auto Insurance Company offers its customers low down payments to get coverage in place. The Company offers monthly payment plans by direct withdrawal from a bank account or by charging the premium to a credit card. Discounts are offered to those who wish to pay for six or 12 months at a time.
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